
SKU: 00002629 Category:


Kendal Mint Cake heeft een heel hoge voedingswaarde en is met zijn pepermuntsmaak lekker verfrissend om te eten. Het was er al bij toen de mount Everest voor de eerste keer werd beklommen*. Sir Ernest Shackleton had het zelfs al mee tijdens zijn Imperial Trans_Atlantic Expedition in 1914-1917. Kendal Mintcake maakt deel uit van de survivalpakketten van de Ierse krijgsmacht. Reep van 50g.


Suiker, Glucose Siroop, Water, Peppermunt Olie.

*Een expeditielid vertelde later: “Het was zonder twijfel het meest populaire deel van onze rantsoenen. Onze enige kritiek was dat we er niet genoeg van hadden meegenomen”.

Romneys are famous for their Kendal Mintcake which was carried to the top of Mount Everest in May 1953, on the first successful expedition to the summit. Kendal Mint Cake can now rank as one of the world’s most travelled sweets. How Mint Cake is made Mint cake is still made in traditional copper pans on gas boilers. It is made by combining sugar, glucose and water then boiling more fiercely is smaller pots. After cooling for several minutes, half on ounce of oil of peppermint is added to every 40 lb of mix. ‘Only the first finest oils are used in preparation, a blend of the famous American Wayne Country brand with Brazilian and Chinese types’. The blend is poured by hand into shallow trays where it hardens quickly and is rapidly transferred out of the sugar boiling room and wrapped. Kendal mint cake has a subtle but stimulating flavor, cool in summer, fiery in winter and has a unique blend of textures, smooth and hard, but always creamy when sucked.

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