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Mountain Man Skills, Hunting, Trapping, Woodwork, and More door Stephen Brennan. Amerikaanse Mountain Men, ook wel Trappers genoemd, waren buitengewoon wterke en taaie kerels die meestal in hun eentje de uitgestrekte bossen van de Rocky Mountains in trokken. De auteur heeft een studie van die mannen gemaakt en hoe en waarmee ze wisten te overleven.

Tip: “Jeremiah Johnson” is een Amerikaanse speelfilm uit 1972, geregisseerd door Sydney Pollack met Robert Redford in de hoofdrol. Aanbevolen! Jeremiah Johnson heeft echt bestaan en was zo’n legendarische mountain man.

Crafts and Skills of the Mountain Man is a fascinating, practical guide to the skills that have made the mountain men famous worldwide as outdoorsmen and craftsmen. Readers can replicate outdoor living by trying a hand at making rafts and canoes, constructing tools, and living off the land.

Learn key skills like:
-Building a strong fire.
-Learning to hunt and butcher your meals.
-Creating a safe and solid shelter.
-And much more!

Whether you’re an avid outdoorsman or a novice hiker, Crafts and Skills of the Mountain Man is your handbook to not only surviving outdoors, but flourishing. The style of the mountain man is unique and popular, especially among young people, historians, and those with a special interest in living off the land. The mountain man has been successful outdoors for ages, and now you can too with the skills, tips, and tricks included in this handy manual.

– Hardback, 232 pages
– ISBN: 9781628737097

Stephen Brennan is the coauthor of The Adventurous Boy’s Handbook and The Adventurous Girl’s Handbook, and editor of The Best Pirate Stories Ever Told and The Best Sailing Stories Ever Told. He has worked as a circus clown, teacher, cabaret artist, actor, director, shepherd, and playwright.

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