
smooth kote

SKU: 00003031 Category:


Smooth-Kote is een snel drogend smeermiddel en onderhoudsmiddel voor de loop van een vuurwapen. Het stoot vuilt af en maakt het schoonmaken gemakkelijker. Ook zal de loop temperatuur lager blijven hetgeen weer een gunstige invloed heeft op de afzetting van aanslag in de loop.

Smooth-Kote – 1/2 oz. Precision Applicator A fast-drying lubricant and bore treatment that molecularly bonds to metal protecting against friction and wear. Based on molybdenum disulfide technology, the passivated, sub-micron particles bond to metals for long-lasting lubrication from -54? to +353?C. The bonded lubrication dramatically reduces fouling thereby enhancing accuracy, bullet velocity and reliability. SMOOTH-KOTE eliminates grime with advanced non-stick dry protection that repels dirt, and allows metal fouling and powder residue to be brushed right off. SMOOTH-KOTE is easily applied to all the interior surfaces of firearms; in addition to lubrication, it gives surfaces a non-stick coating that not only keeps dirt and residues from adhering, but also makes cleaning simple. SMOOTH-KOTE is superior to oil and silicone because it works when dry – and thus will not attract and hold dirt. As a bore treatment, SMOOTH-KOTE smoothes the rough spots, thus enhancing velocity and minimizing fouling – without compromising accuracy. The bonding action of SMOOTH-KOTE ensures a uniform coating in all barrels and so maintains any barrels interior diameter. Superior to TEFLON (R) containing products which embed in metal rather than bond. Embedding prevents such products from maintaining a barrels diameter and so degrades accuracy even if they reduce fouling. A bore treatment needs to do more than just reduce fouling and lubricate to enhance any firearms accuracy. SMOOTH-KOTE in any bore will increase the number of rounds fired before any fouling has a chance to occur. The non-stick action makes cleaning as simple as brushing off and a quick touch up. Note for Treatment of Bores : As anyone who has observed the magnified image of a rifled bore knows, no bore is perfectly smooth. All lands and groove surfaces in any bore show some degree of surface imperfection, when viewed under sufficient magnification. Regardless of the rifling method employed by the manufacturer, surface irregularities (high points and depressions) are always present. Bore lapping will reduce but cannot eliminate these imperfections. These imperfections increase friction and contribute to fouling. SMOOTH-KOTE follows the contours of the surface, effectively filling in the low spots and smoothing the high points with a bonded non-stick shield of lubrication. This has the effect of reducing friction, therefore less heat is generated and so less fouling is created. Any fouling created is unable to bond to the surface and so is easily cleaned out without the use of solvents.

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